Your Time Starts Now

In the tradition of Sydney Morning Herald's 'Good Weekend', I answered a few questions and answers from the section titled- 'Up Front'.....


My earliest memory is.....

Playing in the neighbours cubby house which was a 2 room bungalow. I was impressed.

My school report usually said....

Darren is a quiet child and could improve if he applied himself.

I don't like talking about....

Cruelty to animals.

My mother and father always told me.....

The Horse is better dressed than me

'Two wrongs don't make a right' or 'today is the first day of the rest of your life.' At 8 years old, none of that made sense to me.


In the movie of my life, I'd be played by....

Shia Labeouf

I wish I had....

Access to a never ending supply of money to travel whenever I wanted.

I wish I hadn't ....

Taken so long to be comfortable in my own skin

My most humiliating moment was.... 

Tugging on the principal's trousers at assembly as a 3 year old and mistakingly calling him daddy in front of the whole school and my horrified mother.

My guiltiest pleasure is....

People watching

My last meal would be...


I'm very bad at....

I no longer wear red skivvies

Remembering things and being able to speak in public

The book that changed my life is.... 

'A fish out of water' by Helen Palmer (I was 4 when I read it)

It's not fashionable, but I love....

Singing along to bad eighties hits in the privacy of my car


My worst trait is...

Arriving too early to things.

My best trait is....

For others to answer.

My greatest fear is....

Dying in a plane disaster (morbid I know)

The hardest thing I've ever done was....

Surviving my first relationship.

I relax by....

Illegal means. Kiddin... usually by blanking out if front of the telly.

I miss my voluminous locks of hair!