Studio Visit

Art school colleague, photographer and friend Jodie Barker came to visit the mountains for the weekend and took some photos of the studio. 

We also visited Mount Wilson, on a rainy, wet day huddled under a single umbrella hoping the downpour would abate. The autumn colours in Breenhold Gardens made it almost impossible to take a bad photograph.

I'm so grateful for keeping in touch over the years with Jodie since art school days. I find it difficult to believe 15 years have gone by since playing in the dark room at NAS. 

Jodie lives and works in Sydney as a freelance photographer. 

Photography by Jodie Barker

Photography by Jodie Barker

Photography by Jodie Barker

Photography by Jodie Barker

Photography by Jodie Barker

Photography by Jodie Barker

Photography by Jodie Barker

Photography by Jodie Barker

Photography by Jodie Barker