Warwick Fuller Exhibition

'A renowned plein air painter who uniquely interprets light, atmosphere and the beauty of the Australian landscape.'

Mountain Heritage Hotel in Katoomba held the premiere of Warwick Fuller's new documentary titled 'Fuller's Earth' about his painting and influences and trips away into the Australian landscape. The documentary preceded the opening of his latest exhibition at Katoomba Fine Art later in the afternoon, where Warwick's work was showcased and will remain exhibited until 20th October. In Warwick's artist statement he reveals;

I never feel so attuned to the real essence of what I’m after, than at dawn and dusk, and I feel like I’ll never have a greater opportunity of capturing something special or important to me than in those bewitching moments around sunrise and sunset.

I felt a strong connection to the painting titled 'Trees filtered light, Forbes' 2009, and enjoyed the sense of place, atmosphere and technical brilliance of this work. One of my regrets about attending art school was that I was not able to study painting along side photography. Inside, I have a closet painter who longs for the day he can wield a loaded brush with such passion, confidence and ability!